Monday, May 6, 2013

Assigned Entry #6

   Blogging is a term that I’ve been around for quite some time now. I remember when I had a Xanga so that I could keep up with all my friends that I had made through chatrooms and fan stuff. After that I moved up to livejournal in 2003 where a lot of my friends and I had moved. Later on Tumblr came into existence and it was as if that is all that has ever been by many younger people standards. The entire concept of keeping up with a social network of people is just something that I grew up; so I prefer to keep things online usually since it leaves little room for outside interactions that get messy. This was mostly because I grew up moving around a lot so I was used to the entire idea of writing letters or emails to people to keep in contact when I wasn’t going to be in a place for too long.

   With these writing assignments and blog entries, I really did try to keep myself serious with them, but I also tried to keep a lot of me in them as well. I was used to writing very plastic papers in the past and they just were boring to me. I didn’t connect with them personally so I was usually very bored when it came to doing those assignments in the past. This time around I used a slightly different approach and I found myself enjoying it a lot more. Putting myself out there and sharing stuff that I actually enjoy talking about made everything infinitely easier to finish them in the end.

   I do feel like this part of the class is something that allowed many of us to peek inside some of the other classmates around the room. Personally I do hate to usually talk to my classmates since that goes hand in hand with outside interactions, but with these assignments I was allowed to see how some of the students in the class were actually very interesting people. Like Tony for an example, I might not really talk to him even in class aside from little things here and there, but his blog became one of my favorite things to check in on since he posted awesome things for people to read or watch when he did his blogs. There were many people that did similarly awesome things and it just made the entire experience great. I’m sad that the Spring 2012 session is coming to a close since I know that I won’t see many of the people in this class that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting again. So while I have a chance now I’ll just wish everyone the best of luck with their future classes and majors.