Monday, May 6, 2013

Assigned Entry #6

   Blogging is a term that I’ve been around for quite some time now. I remember when I had a Xanga so that I could keep up with all my friends that I had made through chatrooms and fan stuff. After that I moved up to livejournal in 2003 where a lot of my friends and I had moved. Later on Tumblr came into existence and it was as if that is all that has ever been by many younger people standards. The entire concept of keeping up with a social network of people is just something that I grew up; so I prefer to keep things online usually since it leaves little room for outside interactions that get messy. This was mostly because I grew up moving around a lot so I was used to the entire idea of writing letters or emails to people to keep in contact when I wasn’t going to be in a place for too long.

   With these writing assignments and blog entries, I really did try to keep myself serious with them, but I also tried to keep a lot of me in them as well. I was used to writing very plastic papers in the past and they just were boring to me. I didn’t connect with them personally so I was usually very bored when it came to doing those assignments in the past. This time around I used a slightly different approach and I found myself enjoying it a lot more. Putting myself out there and sharing stuff that I actually enjoy talking about made everything infinitely easier to finish them in the end.

   I do feel like this part of the class is something that allowed many of us to peek inside some of the other classmates around the room. Personally I do hate to usually talk to my classmates since that goes hand in hand with outside interactions, but with these assignments I was allowed to see how some of the students in the class were actually very interesting people. Like Tony for an example, I might not really talk to him even in class aside from little things here and there, but his blog became one of my favorite things to check in on since he posted awesome things for people to read or watch when he did his blogs. There were many people that did similarly awesome things and it just made the entire experience great. I’m sad that the Spring 2012 session is coming to a close since I know that I won’t see many of the people in this class that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting again. So while I have a chance now I’ll just wish everyone the best of luck with their future classes and majors.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Coming Out?

A topic that is often very heavy with debate, not just within the United States is when someone finally ‘comes out of the closet’, revealing to people that they are not straight. While this is usually just a personal matter that shouldn’t exactly involve strangers to give some kind of input on the matter, it isn’t a perfect world, so these things become hot button topics and news for us. Depending on what level of popularity you might have changes where this is going to be discussed though. If you are a small town person that is speaking to their parents for the first time about it or if you are a celebrity of some sort, both will most likely draw some kind of reaction.

In the movie Bully, there was a girl that was made out to be some kind of pariah when it became known that she was a lesbian. Everyone in this small town started to treat her like she had some kind of disease that could possibly be caught just by way of getting too close to her. Her parents also had to deal with the bully that came with their daughter coming out. People stopped associating with them, refused to look at them, or talk to them. Ultimately the girl had to move with her family since the school was not a very conducive environment for her.

That is what you might get from a small town knowing that your sexual preference is not similar to the ‘norm’.

On a grander scale there are quite a few public figures that have come out. Some with welcoming responses and some with hushed. One of the more recent figures that caused quite a substantial shock to people that hadn’t been in the loop before was Frank Ocean. He was hip-hop artist that had written many different songs, be it love, and be it anything to his prerogative. Last year thought he wrote a blog post about his first love last year, that first love turned out to be a ‘he’ instead of a ‘her’.  While this was shocking in itself, the people that stepped up to support him after were more shocking. Tyler the Creator, someone that has often been called out for his homophobia slurs, just happened to be one of the first people to congratulate him for it.

The most recent outing happened just yesterday, it was Jason Collins, a veteran for the Washington Wizards. While there has been a former NBA player to come out as gay in the past, this is one of the first to come out while actively playing still. This is usually a sport, along with football, where you won’t find lots of people trying to admit this openly since it makes other people possibly perceive you as feminine or girly in some way. In spite of this though, he has received tons of support since coming out from other basketball players and other sports related men as well. Even if there is still plenty of hate from people that lurk behind the anonymity of the Internet to try and oppress this man from stepping up and coming out.

Personally on the matter, I’m looking forward to the day that it isn’t national coverage news when someone comes out. When that day happens I’ll know that we are finally moving towards a better understanding of the LBGT community as a whole and no longer seeing this as some kind of spectacle to watch and study.

Assigned Entry #5

Zombie Craze in Media

Media has a way of changing the way a people as whole view things. Back in the day when we were living off fictional tales of this and that, we were introduced to the idea that somehow there could be come kind of viral outbreak that would leave only a small number of people to survive. The remaining individuals would have to fend off attack from those that were uncontrollable and violent. This left a very terrorizing image to those that had never really thought about any such thing happening. Fast forward to now though it’s almost an everyday occurrence. Be it video games, books, comics, zombiewalks, and movies.

With this though, it seems that we go through bouts of fads every decade here in the United States, at least when it comes to mythical creatures of sorts. The main part of it typically being some kind of fascination that comes from things that are outside our own physical possibilities and fantasize about all the ways that we could someday either have real issues that deal with them. As most people know I have my own fascination when it comes to movies and video games, but combine that with zombies and I will most definitely have to own it at some point in time.  It’s just something that is interesting and easy enough to fall into without too much of a fandom war here and there. Usually the biggest one might result in ‘zombies shouldn’t run’ or ‘zombies shouldn’t be intelligent’.

Most recently in the zombie film area there was a new title called Warm Bodies, this is a movie that delves into the possibility that when you die and rise back up again that there might very well be some kind of human existence still within you. This is a sharp contrast to those that are usually intent on either exterminating the entirety of the zombie race or some how trying to weaponize it for military use. This change is a sign to show how the effects of a saturated market in regards to zombie love in the media has swayed what might have been considered entirely outside the norm and not for the public audience.

So with the influence of media we have been able to turn the monsters that would creep in the night into something that we can become friends with.  Zombies are no longer something we are entirely terrified anymore, especially if they can be so easily personable. True Blood and The Vampire Diaries were a similar thing for vampires and Teen Wolf was one as well for werewolves. Our admiration for things that are otherworldly has progressed over the years.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fandom: A Closer Inspection on Kpop Fandom

As I’ve stated in the past I’m a fan of Korean Music and one of the largest pieces of this interest comes with the collective of the fandom. Personally I’m not usually one to be extroverted, but when it comes to things like concerts or fanmeets…well this is one area where I will actually go out so that I can join the masses so I can actually experience something with the crowd. It’s an amazing experience that is hard to really put into words, but being able to see something first hand and getting to share it with thousands of other people at an event is just one of the best feelings in the world to me. Plus I’ve made many friends when going to these events and I’ve been given a chance to meet many people from other states and countries that I met previously via online due to being in similar circles involved in fandom.

That being said though, there is a negative to fandom that can be quite deterring when you’ve been a part of it for so long. When you're in a fandom where a good majority of the girls involved are probably in the 13-18 demographic it is common to find things involving jealousy when a band member either is casted in a movie where he has to kiss a girl or a scandal breaks and he is suddenly in a relationship you knew nothing about. Just recently the news broke about Lee Taemin of Shinee getting a chance to join We Got Married. This is a show where two idols are paired together for a season and go through all the steps as if they have been married and the ups and downs that can come with it. Previously his bandmate Kim Jonghyun had a scandal that involved him dating Shin Sekyung, which ultimately resulted in a large drop out of Blingers (fan name for Kim Jonghyun fans) in the fandom. It was only when the news came out that they had broken up that he really found his footing again with some of his fans. 

The negative though that I am getting sidetracked from is about delusional mindsets. When fans stop realizing or taking into account that the people we enjoy to watch and fanboy or fangirl over are actually 'people'. Not just some supreme being that does everything right and is forever just commercially produced for our enjoyment. They have a job, they are doing their job to entertain us. They are also people that need some sense of joy outside of that job also and they shouldn't have to worry that any little misstep of theirs is going to lead to the fallout of the fandom for them. It's days like this that I feel like the latter person above. I wish to sometimes step back from the fandom so that I only have to support the music group while not partaking in the fandom side of it anymore.

Assigned Entry #4

Capitalism: A Love Story
    Outside of the facts that are covered throughout the majority of the movie though his use of satirical humor at times distracts me from his message entirely to me. So much so that it has caused me to dislike most of the works of his that I’ve seen over the years despite some of the really positive messages that he is trying to deliver to the viewer.

Yes, I know capitalism is bad.
Yes, I know that the government is in bed with the banks and Wall Street.
Yes, I know it is horrible that the way things are cause people to lose their homes.

     I don’t take someone serious though when they are going to the banks with armored trucks to try and get the ‘peoples’ money back from the banks. Sure this causes people to take notice of what he is filming and to maybe ask questions, but it does not actually for those people. It only allows for him to gain a few laughs from the people in the theater when bank owners have him thrown out or flat out ignore him. He is like Howard Stern in some aspects. Trying to go for that bigger shocking reaction that is going to make everyone stare in disbelief about what just happened. He’s found success with this method and I guess the old adage of ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ works for him.

    Overall…the movie was a just that, it was a movie. Michael Moore has become a culture icon through his tactics when it comes to his documentary style and he knows what will grab the attention of the common movie watcher and I’m glad he has found a way to express his creativity.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Movie Trailers: To watch or not to watch?

If you've ever seen a movie in the theater, or watched television commercials you just might have come across a trailer for an upcoming film. Nowadays though it seems that there are more and more trailers that follow a theme of revealing too much information to the public. So much so that it almost renders itself pointless to spend the ten dollars to see it in the theater after you just watched a 2 1/2 minute unabridged variation of the film. While I know I am not the only one that feels this way about movie trailers, there is the other side of the fence. Some moviegoers need to have a majority of the key points of the film out on the table so that they can know if it is worth shelling out for them in the first place. So Directors are having to walk on the thin line of deciding just how much they want to show.

I stopped watching a majority of trailers to films I've not seen or heard of before because of this trend. Often looking them up later after I've watched the actual feature.

The trailer for Dream House leaves little to the imagination, while the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises was able to leave views on the edge of their seat wondering just what could happen next while sparing very little. You can check them out below, but I do warn you if you've never seen Dream House you should watch with caution since it does give away most of the key plot elements.

My question to you though is: When is showing too much, really just 'too much'? Do you have any trailers that you love because they don't spoil the film? Or are you one of the ones that enjoy knowing everything that happens so you know you won't be wasting your money??

Assigned Entry #3

Whoever is the PR for ASU is really doing a good job by throwing out a few hot keywords to catch a regular person's eye, so they need to be commended for their skill.




These are some of the words that will practically pop up off the page for someone who is use to the cost of college and the amount of time they have to put into school

Shorter Classes? With ASU trying to lure in people with shorter classes, I'm really trying to see who it is benefiting in the long run. Sure you may be able to get out of the school by a whole year earlier than you had, but are you able to recall something that you learned in the year previous from one of those possibly vital classes that were cut from 15 weeks to only 7 1/2? Most likely not. Now take the number of classes you are doing under the new short course lineup and multiply that with the amount of hours there are in the day and see how much time you have for a feasible chance of getting a good grade through every single class on top of sleeping. Even more so if you are doing back to back during a single Fall semester or Spring semester.

Cheaper Tuition? I don't see anywhere in this where it states how they are going to be cutting down the amount of tuition that goes towards the classes. The only way it seems cheaper to me would be how they are basically forcing the teachers to do double the work for the same amount of hours in a single Fall semester. Take a single English 101 course in the 15 week variety, that teacher is teaching 40 some people and they get a full 15 weeks to explain the steps of their curriculum. Now take that English 101 course and cut it down to a 7 1/2 week version and that teacher is teaching the condensed crash course version of their previous curriculum, but the plus side to this...? 80 students! ASU is going to be the only one that is making money off this shorter classes idea since they are able to bring in more students to a single course per semester per teacher for the same salary.

Graduate Quicker? At what cost? If you did as many of these shorter class courses as possible, you are setting yourself up for maybe remembering a cliffs notes version of all the classes that you took. This will send you out to the workforce sooner, but you might have to spend a lot of your catching up since something that is important might have only been a small highlight in one of the classes you took.

All in all it's a fantastic way to cut some of the time that you spend in college to a bare minimum. If someone is actually considering taking one of these classes they need to be honest with themselves about the amount of time they are able to afford to the class or else they'll be spending double the tuition in retaking the courses.