Saturday, February 2, 2013

An Introduction of Sorts

Hello to all~! I’m just going to take a little moment here to introduce myself to everyone. Hi! I’m Stephanie. I’m not originally from Phoenix, Arizona even if it’s a place I've called home for longer than anywhere else in the world.
My hometown origins are situated in Heavener, Oklahoma. Never heard of it? Well neither has almost anyone else unless you’re actually from there. The biggest claim to fame this town has is the Runestone Park, which is mostly just series of trails that'll lead you through the forest or mountains for climbing from time to time, the focal point though which is found within the name of the park is the carvings of runes in the stones there.
When it comes to hobbies, honestly it is hard to say... I spend most of my free time on my computer when I have it. While I am on my computer though you'll usually find me chatting to my friends since a good majority of them have moved out to Seoul. That along leaves me sleeping at some pretty odd hours so that we all keep up with one another. Additionally I love music so I try to take a little extra time to attend concerts for artist that I enjoy. Most often they will be either SMTOWN concerts or Korean/Mandarin ones in general, but I do go to a few metal festivals when they come through town. Looking forward to the Ed Sheeran show in a couple weeks personally.

Following close behind music is my love for movies. I will watch pretty much any and all genres of film for the most part. Some of my favorites though would have to be reside in the horror or musical fields. Be it B-horror, Classics, Foreign, I will rarely turn one down if it is offered to be watched.

Lastly for hobbies I would have have to say gaming. My XBOX and I have been inseparable since Call of Duty: World at War. I tend to really stick with FPS and occasionally RPG ones...and if they incorporate a little of both in it, I'm sold. Dead Island and Borderlands have ate up a large portion of my time if I'm not on COD.

School takes up a lot of my other time, it's been almost a maze since the start. Take few steps down a path and finding out it was a dead end in the end and quickly reworking it so that I find another pathway. I initially had wanted to go for my teaching degree because it had always been in the back of my mind that I would some day go to Seoul and live out my days in South Korea teaching while getting to sight see during free time. Once I got over that though I decided to stick with what I had wanted to do since I was actually sixteen. I'm heading in the direction of becoming a nurse. Specifically I want to work on the Neonatal side and maybe someday get a Nurse Practitioner's degree.

As for my interest if you can't tell by now already, I have a great deal of interest in Korean culture. I've been lost among the catacombs of the culture for a little over eleven years now. Everything about it fascinated me and I while I did have those aspirations of one day living there, I'm happy with just watching from afar. I plan to visit one of these summers and staying for a couple months during a break.

I'm looking forward to this new year as well and getting a chance to meet all of you.

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